Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sun Ray Catching

This video I think you'll find is a very interesting one. I think you'll think it's a lot like rainbows because you'll see little pink dots everywhere and you'll see the sun with rays coming out of it and you'll see really cool designs.


  1. Hi Sophia! I am a friend of your mom's from college. I teach science to children that are home schooled. I also do summer science camps for everyone.
    I love watching your videos! They are very interesting. I can tell that you are a natural scientist because you look and find wonderful discoveries all around. Catching sun rays on video is very smart and a fun thing to do. I think I will have my students try to catch some. I can't wait to watch more of your videos!
    :) Rhonda

  2. Hi Sophia,
    this is Hannah. I like the sun rays. I want to make a website too!

  3. hello sophia this is brandon your friend from Pa you have a pretty dog we have four dogs i seen the rays in the sun it was pretty cool I'm using your mamaw's e-mail
